Germany Team


July 18, 2023

Refugee Sommerfest

Our final day of the trip we spent preparing for and enjoying ministry in a nearby refugee camp.   There were many families from neighboring countries and all enjoyed themselves. 

July 16, 2023

Lifepoint Church

Sunday morning, we were able to join Nat and Abby for their Lifepoint service.  Pastor Rex gave a brief pre-service devotional.   Cathy, Elizabeth and Crystal worked with the children.  Caleb worked on the soundbooth. 

We were able to fellowship over dinner with church members afterward. 

July 15, 2023


Saturday was the big event for Lifepoint Church.  They had been promoting the Sommerfest to make connections with people in their immediate neighborhood.  We spent about 4 hours in local park with games, balloon animals, snacks, face painting and crafts.  

The event was a great success as family’s representing 11 countries came out to enjoy the festivities.  

July 14, 2023

Friday, we had 2 work projects.  First was a work project at a shelter for women coming out of prostitution/human trafficking.  The second was a helping move an office for a ministry that the Wibberly’s have connections with  

Projects for shelter included: 

  • Paint bedroom
  • Move Furniture
  • Mow knee high grass in yard
  • Remove dead brush
  • Weed wack
  • Paint swinga

July 13, 2023

Thursday was a workday at the church.  Abby met us at the beginning of the day with a list of projects to help spruce up the church.  Nat and Abby expressed their appreciation as they have not been able to have a team visit to help them since COVID began.  Work projects included: 

  • Building a stage for the sanctuary 
  • Cleaning all the windows
  • Deep cleaning of all the kitchen cupboards, sink, counters, stove, dishes, 
  • Organizing storage closets
  • Wipe down walls and doors
  • Wipe down all nursery/toddler toys and surfaces
  • And various other cleaning projects. 
Whew, for a small space, there was a lot to do, but we completed all tasks.  

July 12, 2023


We started the day with a scrumptious German Breakfast, including cheeses, meats, fruit, vegetables and bakery fresh bread and croissants.  Of course coffee/espresso was wonderful as well.   The morning was spent splitting up into 3 teams to disperse 1000 flyers in the neighborhood to advertise the Summerfest carnival that we will be helping with on Saturday. 

Nat and Abby partnered with another  nearby missionary to schedule an outreach event for a nearby refugee camp.  The night was a success as more families than expected came and relationships were made.  It was a good dry run for the larger Summerfest on Saturday in the park.  

July 10,2023 -

Rex Fisher, Cathy Fisher, Paul Albamonti, Crystal Albamonti, Elizabeth Bloss, Caleb Seekell

Perryville team leaves for Germany at 7:30 AM 

Catching the Train from Kingston Station to NYC Penn Station 

Carrying our supplies through the train stations

With Wibberly's

Safely arrived at the Wibberly’s at 3:00 Germany time.